Dr. John Baddley
TID President

Maryland School of Medicine
United States

Quality and Safety Survey

TID is launching a survey to develop quality indicators for managing infections in transplantation, aiming to improve patient outcomes. They seek input from centers worldwide to understand their data and mechanisms for handling post-transplant infections. This will enable collaboration with international organizations to create robust indicators. Only one representative per center is needed, preferably with an administrator. Your participation is crucial for advancing the field of Transplant Infectious Disease. Thank you for your contribution!

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President's Message - March 2024

Dear Colleagues,

It is a new year and I am very excited about our TTS-TID section and the opportunities we have ahead of us in 2024.

Our mission is to promote research and education in the prevention, diagnosis, clinical consequences, and management of infectious disease problems of the transplant recipient. A summary of our group and activities can be found at www.tts.org/tid . We are currently seeking help from members to participate in committees or other projects that align with our mission. Please contact me or the leaders below if you have any interest or any questions. A list of opportunities is below:

1) COVID Guidelines

(lead by Stephanie Pouch, stephanie.pouch@emory.edu)

We currently have COVID guidelines on the website and they are in need of updating. If you are interested in helping to write part of the guidelines, please contact Stephanie Pouch.

2) Membership Committee

(lead by Cameron Wolfe, cw74@duke.edu)

We have a wonderful group and are looking to expand our reach into areas not well represented by our current membership. A major focus will also be to engage early career persons and trainees. Please contact Cam if you are interested.

3) Research Committee

(lead by Wanessa Clemente, wanclemente@yahoo.com.br)

Over the past few years, we have increased our research activity by developing survey-based research projects and guidelines. There is need and potential for expanding research in our group and working with other societies to develop projects. Please contact Wanessa if you are interested in participating.

4) Communications and Social Media Committee

(lead by John Baddley, jbaddle1@jh.edu)

To grow our membership and continue to offer great content it is important to communicate well with members and potential members. This committee will explore and develop content for distribution on the TTS-TID website and perhaps other venues (X, Threads, etc). Please contact me if you are interested in participating.

As you can see, we are a growing TID group have some excellent opportunities open in 2024 to help us continue our mission. The above, along with regularly scheduled webinars and meetings will continue to be beneficial to those interested in TID. We look forward to the coming year and our work together!


John W. Baddley, MD, MSPH
President, TTS-TID Section
Director, Transplant and Oncology Infectious Diseases
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

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Staff Directory
+1-514-874-1717 x216


Transplant Infectious Disease
c/o The Transplantation Society
740 Notre-Dame Ouest
Suite 1245
Montréal, QC, H3C 3X6