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Heart of the Matter

117.1 - Heart of the Matter: Infection and Xenotransplantation

Presenter: Kapil Saharia, Jay Fishman, Paige Porrett, , ,
Authors: Kapil Saharia, Jay Fishman, Paige Porrett, Stephanie Pouch, Wanessa Clemente

Learning Objectives

We will present the case of a patient with nonischemic cardiomyopathy who underwent heart transplantation from a genetically modified pig source animal and whose course was notable for detection of porcine CMV by plasma microbial cell-free DNA and xenograft failure.


  1. Describe infectious disease risk assessment and mitigation in potential xenograft donors
  2. Describe the selection of immunosuppressive regimens and prophylactic antimicrobials for human xenograft recipients
  3. Understand strategies to screen for and treat potential xenograft-related infections

Organized in collaboration with the TID Official Journal

Stephanie Pouch, USA

Kapil Saharia, USA

Jay Fishman, USA

Paige Porrett, USA

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