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Cardiac and Renal Transplant Medicine

115.1 - Cardiac and Renal Transplant Medicine - Bioengineering and Single Cell Analysis

Presenter: Doris Taylor, Benjamin Humphreys, , ,
Authors: Doris Taylor, Benjamin Humphreys, Giuseppe Orlando, Alice Tomei


The webinar will draw the state of the art of regenerative medicine as they are being applied to cardiac and renal transplant medicine, with emphasis on whole organ bioengineering and single cell analysis.

Learning Objectives

  1. To learn the state of the art of cardiac engineering
  2. To learn the state of the art of renal regenerative medicine
  3. To learn about progress of organ decellularization and single cell technology

Supporting Materials

Giuseppe Orlando, USA

Alice Tomei, USA

Doris Taylor, USA

Benjamin Humphreys, USA

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