2010 - TTS International Congress

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International Trends in Organ Donation

147.7 - The possibilities of improving procurement activity in Slovakia (Five years analyses of deaths in region with 865000 people)

Presenter: Juraj, Miklušica, Martin, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Authors: Miklušica J., Laca



J. Miklu?ica1, . Laca1, B. Grandtnerova2, B. Palkóci1, . Strelka1
1Clinic Of Transplant And Vascular Surgery, Martin faculty hospital, Martin/SLOVAK REPUBLIC, 2Transplant Center, Faculty Hospital Martin, Martin/SLOVAK REPUBLIC

Body: Introduction:
Deficiency of donors is related with lack of organs and tissues appropriate for the transplantation. Slovakia is behind the countries with advanced transplantation program in number of donors and thereby also in transplantations in long term results. Only once (year 2007) the number of donors overreached 20 donors pmp in last 5 years. Transplantation center Martin as a youngest centre developed the transplantation program over last five years. In 2007 overreached the number of donors 20 pmp for the first time in history. One of the reasons was the change of diagnostics criteria of brain death. Unfortunately in 2008 the numbers of donors decreased again on the level before 2007. In our TC the number decreased about 50%, from 37 to 17, 3 donors pmp.Methods:
Falling off the procured activity was the main reason why we realized to perform analysis of deaths on Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Unit (DA / ICU).We evaluated 5years period in area with 865 285 people. Component of TC Martin target area are 8 hospitals with DA / ICU, with total number of beds 4734, 49 of it is on DA / ICU. Total number of deaths in this period was 1457. We evaluated every year. Important was the estimate of POD in given year. This statement is important point in whole donor program.
We defined reasons of unrealized procurements of reported donors to five points. Their representation during following years shows graph 2. ResultsIf we were able to identify all donors laying on DA / ICU, their number could reach 29, 3 pmp/1 years. After calculation on Slovak population (5 379 455 p.) the absolute number ofdonors for one year could reach 158! The reality is that we were able to evaluate only 15, 9 donors pmp /in 1year, it means 73, 4 donors/a year in last 5 years.
If we improve identification of donors on anesthesiologist departments the procurement and transplant rate in Slovakia could rise beyond 100% in comparison with average during last fiveyears.

Disclosure: All authors have declared no conflicts of interest.

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