Organogenesis - CTRMS Official Journal

Organogenesis is a peer-reviewed journal, available in print and online, that publishes significant advances on all aspects of organ development. The journal covers organogenesis in all multi-cellular organisms and also includes research into tissue engineering, artificial organs and organ substitutes.

The overriding criteria for publication in Organogenesis are originality, scientific merit and general interest. The audience of the journal consists primarily of researchers and advanced students of anatomy, developmental biology and tissue engineering.

The emphasis of the journal is on experimental papers (full-length and brief communications), but it will also publish reviews, hypotheses and commentaries. The Editors encourage the submission of addenda, which are essentially auto-commentaries on significant research recently published elsewhere with additional insights, new interpretations or speculations on a relevant topic. If you have interesting data or an original hypothesis about organ development or artificial organs, please send a pre-submission inquiry to the Editor-in-Chief. You will normally receive a reply within days. All manuscripts will be subjected to peer review, and accepted manuscripts will be posted to the electronic site of the journal immediately and will appear in print at the earliest opportunity thereafter.


Staff Directory
+1-514-874-1717 x216


Transplant Infectious Disease
c/o The Transplantation Society
740 Notre-Dame Ouest
Suite 1245
Montréal, QC, H3C 3X6