Membership Committee

The Membership Committee will assist with membership recruitment and renewals. The Committee will work together to sustain and increase the number of members by improving the benefits offered and assessing the value of membership.
  • Review membership reports provided by TTS.
  • Encourage members to remain in good-standing and pay their dues.
  • Review the list of delinquent members and decide whether or not they will be removed.
  • Play an active role in membership services, including building relationships with journal publishers, and developing new activities to promote membership.
  • Represent and promote CTRMS while abroad at other international meetings.
  • Participate in periodic teleconference calls.
  • Take on other duties as requested by the Chair of the Membership Committee.
  • Report back to the Council about membership initiatives.
Members (TBA)

The membership committee should consist of at least three members of the Cell Transplant and Regenerative Medicine Society Council with one person assigned as Chair. The opportunity for one junior member to join is optional. If you are interested in joining the Membership Committee, please email for more information.



Staff Directory


The Transplantation Society
International Headquarters
740 Notre-Dame Ouest
Suite 1245
Montréal, QC, H3C 3X6